HIT-N Manual cutters 850


Brand |Rubi

HIT-N hand cutters are robust and precise ceramic cutters for the most demanding jobs in large-format ceramic tiles. 850 Cuts up to 33 1/2″.

The HIT-N are ideal for professional cutting of all types of ceramic tile (glazed or texture tile), natural stone, and porcelain tile). Equipped with a high-performance mobile separator, the HIT-N can apply a maximum power of 1,764 lbs at the time of separating the material.


  • Revolutionary RUBI MAGNET system, which allows the locking and unlocking of the gripper to scratch and separate with one hand.
  • Greater working speed, and greater comfort when handling large format tiles.
  • Sliding set incorporates linear bearings that provide greater softness and comfort during scratching.
  • Featuring a double guide, solid and chromed rectified steel 20mm in diameter.
  • Greater resistance to bending, and improved visibility of the scratching/cutting area.
  • Aluminum base with closed structure provides structural RIGIDITY, facilitating greater cutting capacity.
  • Supplementary aluminum arms, increase the support surface when working with large-format tiles.
  • The lateral stop allowing exact measurements for repetitive straight cuts and the ability to cut at exactly 45 degrees.
  • Soft-grip maximizing ergonomics and comfort.
  • Cutting height of 1/8″ to 5/8″
  • 22 mm EXTREME scoring wheel included
Weight 25 lbs
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